Monday 9 April 2007

I have arrived

YeeHaa! I have finally arrived in the 21st century. This is the very first weblog that I have set up for myself. You guys might be curious why this blog has been christened as the "Hammerhead's World". Well, this is just one man's quest in search of his elusive cousins. I have only had a fleeting glimpse of this very beautiful creature in the Southern Red Sea in October 2005 at about 50-60meters depth. But could this just be a figment of my imagination??!! By the time I fumbled for my underwater digital camera , and powered it up, it had slipped into the blue abyss. Arrrrggghh!! Even my recent trip to Layang-layang (otherwise known as "Hammerhead Mecca") in the South China Seas in March 2007, was not blessed with a visit from my relatives. Sigh! Never mind. This brave soul dives on in the hope that his dreams will one day be fulfilled. In the meantime, please join me in my journeys, and I will try to make it exciting for you.


Flying Dragon said...

looking good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hammerhead
welcome to the modern world,some of us luddites are still lagging behind!
looking forward to your interesting stories & pix of marine(and other unidentifiable...!) life