So, my wife and daughter had rejected my offer of a couple of weeks caravan holiday in the UK. Can't blame them as there is a flood warning again this weekend. Indeed, some areas in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire are already flooded.
So, they finally flew off to Vancouver earlier today. Latest report from my aunt (hello...Tua Kor!) from Vancouver is that the weather there is absolutely fab....about 39 degrees Celcius! Wow! That is hot. So, I told my little girl,"you'd better not bring the British floods there". So, how come I haven't gone with them, you might ask. Well, I can't afford to take 3 weeks off work. Also, this was initially part of a secret plan for me to indulge in my underwater passion for a week in the Red Sea, while they are away. Anyhow, guilt got the greater of me and I will be flying out to join them for the last week there. Sigh! Life is so much easier without conscience.
So, I asked my little girl if she would miss her papa, as she would not be seeing him for TWO WHOLE WEEK. She said, "No" ( and I was like...huh?),.........."because you are in my heart" ( everyone say aaaaaahh!). With answers like these from a four year old, how can I ever say no to any of her future requests? Hmmmmm! My wallet is hurting already........
good choice! vancouver anytime over caravanning-tee hee hee!
hope you & yr family have a nice time out there. i hear they're having a good summer unlike dear ole Blighty which is currently swamped :(
btw, better get used to Little Princess twisting you round her little finger. mine's about 4 years ahead of yours, and nope, it doesn't get lighter on the wallet but the little sweethearts do get a lot more interesting (if that's at all possible!)
Knock,knock.....back from vacation lioa? Left 2 other comments in previous post.
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