Thursday 13 March 2008

A Father's Heart

The above video was sent to me by madkdr. I do not recognise the YouTube username. However, it is such a beautiful video that I feel that I have to share it here.

Growing up in the Christian faith, the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to God in obedience to Him is a very familiar one. However, I now realise that as often as I heard this story, my understanding and response to it had always been an intellectual one. Lately, I have been pondering that if God were to take my own daughter Elly away or that if He had asked me to give her up for His own purpose; would I have been able to accept it? Is it within me to have an Abrahamic response? At this point in time, I am not sure that I could. I believe that this video has finally given me an emotional connection with Abraham, from a father's point of view. Amazing! All these ages apart, and I have finally captured a glimpse of his anguish. Words cannot describe it appropriately. Perhaps, those of you who are parents would know how I feel.

I hope you enjoy the video and song as much I did. Thank you madkdr. Whoever you are!

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